A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters

Domestic violence, divorce and mental health

November 6, 2019 | Firm News

When it comes to reasons for a divorce, there may be various explanations as to why a marriage falls apart. Some may be seen as relatively minor, such as a couple simply growing apart over the course of their marriage. However, some divorces are initiated by very serious issues, such as domestic violence. Furthermore, domestic violence can affect more than a victim’s physical well-being. It can also affect their finances as well as their mental health, and it is vital for victims of domestic violence to work through the divorce process cautiously.

The mental toll of domestic violence can be overwhelming. Some people may live in fear, or they may have trauma as a result of abuse that they have endured. They may be worried about their children and they may have a lot of anxiety about critical family law matters such as the division of property and how custody will be awarded. These are just some of the hardships that domestic violence victims have had to endure.

Recovering from domestic violence is pivotal, and many people are able to restore some of what they have lost by moving on from the toxic relationship. It is, however, essential to protect one’s self as well as one’s children by taking necessary legal actions. For example, aside from getting a divorce, victims may need to pursue a restraining order as well.

Our law firm understands the mental toll that domestic violence can take, and we know that some victims have an especially hard time navigating through divorce. It is critical to seek help from any resources that are available.