A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters


December 22, 2021 | Asset Division, Firm News

What are your alimony options as a stay-at-home parent?

As a stay-at-home parent who looks after your children, financial concerns will likely dominate your worries about divorce. What will you do after the split, when you can no longer rely on a two-income household to support your current lifestyle? Fortunately, you might have an entitlement to not only a share of marital assets, but…

December 15, 2021 | Asset Division, Divorce, Firm News

Paying child support as a business owner

As a business owner, there are multiple reasons why you could have an especially challenging time during the divorce process, especially if you have kids. Entrepreneurs and business owners sometimes find themselves in the middle of a divorce because of the demands associated with launching and growing a successful firm (such as high levels of…