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How does Colorado enforce child support orders?

January 10, 2022 | Asset Division, Firm News

Whether you are getting ready to end your marriage or split up with your former spouse years ago, it is crucial to understand various issues related to child support if you have young kids. Aside from understanding different ways to pay support if you are a non-custodial parent with these obligations, you should also review how the state enforces child support orders.

For parents with a high net worth, paying child support can become especially challenging. These cases are often more complicated and can lead to much higher payments.

The penalties for falling behind on child support

According to the Colorado Office of Economic Security, the state has a number of tools when it comes to enforcing a child support order. For example, if you miss child support payments, you could lose your driver’s license as well as your occupational license. Moreover, the government could revoke your passport or reject your passport application, which is especially problematic for those who need to travel overseas for business purposes.

The state also places liens on bank accounts as a result of parents failing to pay support.

Staying current on child support

As you work through the divorce process, it is important to approach your child support case with caution, especially if you have significant assets. You should understand your obligations and different factors that could affect your case. Moreover, you could have the ability to modify your child support order later on if you experience changes with respect to your financial circumstances.

Make sure you stay current on child support you owe in order to avoid enforcement action.