A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters


March 15, 2024 | Asset Division, Divorce

What To Do If Your Spouse is Hiding Assets During a Divorce

Divorce is a tumultuous and emotionally taxing process. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets to undermine your share of the marital property division, you need to protect yourself and ensure you receive a fair divorce settlement. The following provides information about guarding yourself against spousal nondisclosure and hidden assets in a Colorado divorce….

December 13, 2022 | Asset Division, Divorce, Firm News

How to divide collectibles in a divorce

Married people generally do not plan for a divorce. Everyone hopes their marriage will last a lifetime, but if yours does not, you must prepare to divide your lives. Throughout the marriage, you and your spouse collect property and assets. If you amass a personal collection of valuables, you may not know how to handle…

November 14, 2022 | Asset Division, Divorce

Can You Get Your Heirloom Ring Back in a Divorce?

When you proposed to your spouse, you undoubtedly thought a great deal about the engagement ring. To give your wife or husband the perfect ring, you even may have had to stick to a tight budget. After all, according to reporting from CNBC, most proposers spend three months’ worth of their salary on the ring….

October 19, 2022 | Asset Division, Firm News

How freezing assets can help you get your fair share of the fortune

At the moment you or your spouse files for divorce, trust between you could be in short supply. Especially when it comes to money and valuable assets like a family-owned business, investments and real estate. Martial assets that you acquired during the marriage are supposed to be divided equitably, or fairly, between the two of…

October 15, 2022 | Asset Division, Firm News

Do people hide assets with digital wallets?

Digital wallets are more common these days than ever before. While they have a variety of useful purposes, some people may also use them in attempts to do illegal activities such as hiding assets. But what is asset hiding in divorce? How do people use their digital wallets to accomplish this? What are digital wallets?…