A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters


February 23, 2021 | Firm News

Dividing up retirement assets in a divorce

Previous posts on this blog touched upon the fact that certain retirement assets may be subject to property division during divorce proceedings. More specifically, family courts in Colorado view any contributions made to a retirement account during a marriage (given that they come from marital income) as marital assets. For most, this will impact contributions…

February 7, 2021 | Firm News

Colorado recognizes common-law marriage and divorce

Perhaps the idea of a formal marriage does not appeal to you or your significant other for a variety of reasons. After all, divorces can be messy and painful. You may assume that if you do not get legally married, you can keep whatever is yours if you and your partner break up. If you…

February 5, 2021 | Firm News

Types of alimony in Colorado

Alimony may seem straightforward at a glance—one ex-spouse pays another spousal maintenance due to court orders—but there are various caveats that each party may want to know before getting too deep into it. As USA Today details, recent tax changes upheaved a decades-long practice of tax deduction strategies. A payor may not deduct these payments…

January 15, 2021 | Firm News

Colorado Supreme Court’s new ruling on same-sex marriages is a game-changer

For decades, same-sex couples were limited to informal relationships that may have been sanctified by their churches or communities but not legally recognized. For a while, there existed a patchwork system of laws that made same-sex relationships a “grey” area with legal standing that could change depending on where the couple lived. That changed in…

December 31, 2020 | Firm News

Divorce day is coming: Are you ready?

Many people have their sights set on 2021 to turn the tide of a universally bad year. But there might be one upcoming day that could bring trouble. The first working Monday of every January has been dubbed “Divorce Day” by both the media and those who work in family law because it’s the number…

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