A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters


January 15, 2021 | Firm News

Colorado Supreme Court’s new ruling on same-sex marriages is a game-changer

For decades, same-sex couples were limited to informal relationships that may have been sanctified by their churches or communities but not legally recognized. For a while, there existed a patchwork system of laws that made same-sex relationships a “grey” area with legal standing that could change depending on where the couple lived. That changed in…

December 31, 2020 | Firm News

Divorce day is coming: Are you ready?

Many people have their sights set on 2021 to turn the tide of a universally bad year. But there might be one upcoming day that could bring trouble. The first working Monday of every January has been dubbed “Divorce Day” by both the media and those who work in family law because it’s the number…

December 21, 2020 | Firm News

How does a judge make decisions about property in a divorce?

Splitting up marital property is often one of the most difficult parts of a divorce. Each spouse may want to keep the same assets or might feel like they should receive more than the other. If a couple does not have a marital agreement and can’t reach terms for splitting up their property, the courts…

December 18, 2020 | Firm News

Some tips for what to say – and not say – to your kids about your divorce

Nearly every divorcing parent wants to do whatever they can to help their children deal with the transition as well as is possible. What you say when you tell your children (preferably together) you’re divorcing is, of course, important. However, the way you talk to them about the break-up and your co-parent after that initial…

December 7, 2020 | Firm News

Could co-owning your home after the divorce be the best option?

For some couples going through a divorce, the marital home becomes the focus of their contention, with each spouse hoping to retain the home they once shared. Other times, couples are united in their mutual desire to divest themselves of the place where they once cohabitated. If you and your spouse agree that neither of…