A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters


November 21, 2019 | Firm News

Can you put differences aside to negotiate child custody?

While you may be feeling relief at the idea that your divorce in Colorado will reduce your contact with your spouse, it may not be entirely doable if you share children with him or her. However, taking steps to eliminate contention so you can communicate effectively when it comes to the children you share is…

November 14, 2019 | Firm News

What are your options for your home during a divorce?

Divorce for Colorado couples can be one of the best decisions they make. To remain in a rocky relationship can be emotionally draining. While divorce is in the couple’s best interests, it does not necessarily mean it is easy. For couples who accumulated high-value assets through their marriage, it can be even more costly and…

November 6, 2019 | Firm News

Domestic violence, divorce and mental health

When it comes to reasons for a divorce, there may be various explanations as to why a marriage falls apart. Some may be seen as relatively minor, such as a couple simply growing apart over the course of their marriage. However, some divorces are initiated by very serious issues, such as domestic violence. Furthermore, domestic…

October 29, 2019 | Firm News

The 50/50 situation of splitting property

Colorado’s common law stance on property division, assuming no other agreement has been formerly established, pursues an even fifty-fifty split for both parties. That might be as easy as dividing the dollar amount of marital assets sold. Colorado state law makes specific mention of many examples: The contribution of each spouse in acquiring marital property…

October 19, 2019 | Firm News

Why shouldn’t you hide your assets?

As part of a couple in Colorado who is getting a divorce, you will have many trials, tribulations, and hurdles to go through. Emotions will undoubtedly run high. It’s not surprising that one or both of you may be thinking of ways to spite the other. Some may even be considering hiding some of your…