A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters


July 21, 2022 | Divorce, Firm News

Should you consider going to divorce therapy?

If you are going through a divorce, you may be no stranger to counseling. After all, many couples choose to attend joint therapy sessions in an effort to save their marriages. Still, according to Psychology Today, popular types of couples therapy only have about a 35% success rate. Even though couples therapy may not have…

July 15, 2022 | Asset Division, Firm News

Commingling might convert separate property

Colorado is an equitable distribution state. According to Colorado Legislature 14-10-113, the courts attempt to divide marital property according to various relevant factors, not including marital misconduct. One of the factors that courts consider is the contribution of each spouse to the marital property. If a spouse has any involvement with a property that the…

July 8, 2022 | Asset Division, Firm News

3 common methods for valuing a business in the divorce process

Your business will likely become a focal point in the property division phase of your divorce. Before you sell the business or buy out your spouse’s interest, you must determine the value. Here are three common methods for accomplishing that task. 1. The market method Similar to the method your real estate agent might use…

June 24, 2022 | Divorce, Firm News

Surprising lifestyle factors that could increase your risk for divorce

There is no way to predict at the beginning of your marriage whether you and your spouse will remain married or eventually split. While divorce can follow certain patterns, there is always a unique interplay of factors that causes a relationship to become unsustainable. Research has attempted to identify risk factors that can increase the…

June 15, 2022 | Divorce, Firm News

How your classic car can affect asset division

When you divorce your spouse, the court will divide your assets based on what it considers fair and equitable. The court analyzes your financial situation, trusts, businesses, property, child support, accounts and any pre- or post-nuptial agreements. The proceedings are not as simple as dividing the property during a complex or High-Net worth divorce. How…