A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters

Colorado Child Custody Attorney

We Will Help You Fight For Time With Your Kids

Your children are the most important people in your world. Who will care for them — and make crucial life decisions for them — after your divorce?

In general, child custody refers to who has responsibility for the upbringing of children. However, Colorado law recognizes that parenting is more than just physical care. So instead of custody, state law focuses on parental responsibilities, which refers to both parental decision-making and parents’ time spent with the children.

How Do the Colorado Courts Make Parental Decisions?

Colorado law does not favor one parent over the other; instead, the court makes decisions relating to parental responsibilities based on the best interests of the child. To determine that, courts may look at all relevant factors and evidence – commonly including information about both parents, other family members, and the child’s wishes (depending on the child’s age) may play an important role. Parental conduct is an essential concern. The courts will look carefully at each parent’s behavior during the marriage, especially if there have been allegations of substance or alcohol abuse, child or spousal abuse, or other violence in the home.

Colorado requires all divorcing parents to attend a mandatory parenting class which must be completed before a divorce will be granted. The state court website maintains a list of providers for these classes with information about locations and costs.

We Create Comprehensive Parenting Plans

In Colorado, you must have a court-approved parenting plan that allocates parental responsibilities. Ideally, the parents submit a joint plan. Upon court approval, the plan is legally binding. If they cannot agree, however, they each can submit a proposal for how the parenting plan should look, and then the court will have to make the final decision.

While it is up to the parents to determine what to include, the court encourages parents to address issues such as:

  • Educational decisions
  • Religious upbringing and participation
  • Days and weeks the child will live with which parent (including transportation to and from these locations)
  • Decisions relating to extracurricular participation
  • Access to children during holidays, vacations, and by phone
  • Financial issues such as child support, medical and health insurance, sharing of extracurricular activities and how the tax deductions are allocated between the parents.

Call Our Colorado Family Law Attorneys Today

Protecting your rights as a parent comes first. As our client, you will have a team on your side who has handled countless cases like yours and achieved the best possible results. Together, we will stand strong and advocate on your behalf. Call our Colorado family law attorneys at (303) 797-2900 or send us an email to request a consultation and find out how to secure time with your child.