A Singular Focus On Family Law Matters

Colorado Business Owners Divorce Attorney

Protecting Business Owners In A Divorce

You want to walk away from the marriage – but does that mean walking away from your company? It may not have to be that way. At Stahly Mehrtens Miner LLC, we have helped business owners across the state secure their rights to their companies and keep what is rightfully theirs. Todd A. Stahly is one of Colorado’s most well-regarded and well-known lawyers. With experience working with clients across a variety of industries, we can help you to determine business ownership no matter the type of company you own.

Colorado Equitable Distribution Laws

Assets and debts will be divided into two categories, marital and separate property. To make these determinations, we will evaluate factors such as:

  • When the business was acquired
  • How long you and your spouse were married
  • How the business was acquired, including whether it was gifted or inherited
  • The existence of a prenuptial agreement
  • The value of the business, including fluctuations or depreciation
  • Spousal investment and involvement
  • Debts and liabilities

Valuations can be tricky and you may need help working through the process. We will review these factors and fight for your interests in the company.

You Have Options When It Comes To Your Business

Depending on the assets you own and the debts you are responsible for, you may have the option of selling the business, and splitting the proceeds or buying the other spouse out by offsetting with other assets or determining an appropriate payment schedule. Business ownership may also be used to negotiate other divorce terms, including who keeps the family home and the division of retirement assets. We will help you to determine opportunities for negotiation if the company is marital property.

Contact A Hands-On Lawyer To Discuss Your Company

A company can greatly complicate a divorce. Simplifying the process is possible by working with our attorney to cover all of your bases. Schedule a consultation with our Colorado divorce attorneys today. Call (303) 797-2900 or contact us online.